Even If You’re Not A Hero The BunnyLord Wants You!

Who knew that just like how Peanut Butter goes great with both Jelly and and Chocolate Score-based Challenges go great with both Skateboarding and a Cover-based Shooting? Roll7 knew that’s who because the same score based challenges you loved from OlliOlli and OlliOlli 2: Welcome to Olliwood are back in Not A Hero. Playing as Steve, an assassin who found switching his line of work to campaign manager is actually a lateral move, you’ll help BunnyLord clean up the streets of the city as he campaigns to become Mayor.

Head’s will be popping as you eradicate the gunk and grime from the city, blow up some criminals, crash a few windows and try your best to complete the challenges set forth onto you. Completing more and more challenges in each level will also let you unlock a unlikely cast of characters so you can give Steve a break and you might also find that your new friends also have new abilities. Can you clean up the three districts and sway the votes in Not A Hero? Are you in-fact a hero in disguise that may or may not be a robot? And finally did anyone question why the BunnyLord with his mystical abilities choose you if you were clearly Not A Hero instead of an actual Hero? These questions may or may not be answer by playing the game but one thing is for sure Not A Hero is out now for PC and is coming later this year to PlayStation, lock, load and clean those streets Steve!






– Indie Cover-Based Shooter Now Available for PC –

London, UK – The political activists of Roll7 (OlliOlli) and video game lobbyists Devolver Digital are uncomfortably excited to announce the indie cover-based shooter Not A Hero is now available for personal computers. Constituents around the globe can now exchange their local currency for a pile of computer files that, when arranged properly, yield what critics are already calling “the year’s best indie shooter starring an anthropomorphic rabbit from the future.”

Not A Hero follows professional assassin-turned-amateur campaign manager, Steve, who is charged with cleaning up the city by a time-traveling rabbit / mayoral candidate named BunnyLord. Now Steve and his expanding roster of dubious heroes must wield their unique skills to shoot, slide, dive and take cover behind a political platform built on ethics, accountability, and an inordinate amount of gunfire. Eliminate the criminal underworld of the city’s three major districts and persuade undecided voters to your cause, tackling the issues that matter by putting a gun in the mouth of those issues.

Not A Hero is powered by ISO-Slant™, a new proprietary technology that allows game developers to reach the sweet spot between 2D and 2½D perspectives with minimal effort. Through the liberal, almost irresponsible use of ISO-Slant™,Not A Hero developer Roll7 is able to radically alter the standard 2D pixel art action game into an unbelievable 2¼D visual tour de force and creates a unique new genre sure to entertain for years to come.

Not A Hero is available now on PC via Steam, GOG, and Humble with a release on PlayStation Network planned for later this year.

More information on Not A Hero can be found at NotAHe.Ro and by following @Roll_7, @VoteBunnyLord and @DevolverDigital on the Twitter. For ISO-Slant™ licensing inquiries please visit www.iso-slant.com .


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