Promising PS Vita Skateboarder OlliOlli Pushed Back To 2014

Sadly it seems that awesome looking OlliOlli for the PS Vita system has been pushed back until 2014. The refreshing take on video game skateboarding with its insane tricks, breakneck speed and combo action is making this pushback for us gamer’s. It seems developer Roll7 noticed some networking issues with the final build and have already pushed out the relevant fixes to PSN but that means we have to wait just a tiny bit longer to bust out made tricks everywhere we take OlliOlli. We’ll let you know as soon as we hear a confirmed final release date.

Press Release

OlliOlli launch delayed until early 2014

Roll7 are sad to announce that OlliOlli will not be released in 2013. It had always been our intention to release pre-Christmas but earlier this week we noticed a network issue had developed with the Daily Grind, which meant players could submit their scores multiple times rather than have one ‘live go’ to set a score.

The game itself is complete and we have made the relevant network fixes and resubmitted the game to Sony Europe and America for FQA.

We will provide a release date for OlliOlli as soon as possible.

Thank you to all the fans who have been so supportive over the last few months and we are doing everything humanly possible to bring you OlliOlli at the earliest possible point in 2014!
On the plus side, this means you get some extra time with your brand new PS4 J

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