Alien Gets A Hug From His Mum The Queen In This Alien Isolation Accolades Trailer

What else did you think would happen when you press play on Alien Isolation, strap on an set of Oculus Rift goggles and are put inside a cramped and 1980’s future spaceship? Yup, lots and lots of dirty, stinky laundry. The gigantress that is the Queen Alien must be super proud of her spawn, terrorizing a whole convention and bringing home 40 awards, look mom, we did it!

Alien Isolation is coming to PC, PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4, Xbox 360 and Xbox One on October 7th 2014. Can Sega right the wrong that was Aliens: Colonial Marines? I sure hope so, if not they really need to think about giving up the Alien license and just let someone else take a crack and bringing what should be a very easy franchise game to gamers everywhere.

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