Always Sometimes Monsters (PC), Love Yourself And Pick It Up

Always Sometimes Monsters for PC has finally made its way onto Steam, GoG and the Humble Store. I get the feeling this is less game and more a story of life. At the start you’ll be literally broken, no money, no love life, no home and the person you do love is marrying someone else, talk about heavy.

Few games would tackle something this depressing and dark but that’s why we are thankful for PC gaming and developers making a game like Always Sometimes Monsters. Can you complete the journey, will it even end happily ever after? Developer Vagabond Dog has taken the RPG genre and placed it into real life so all those tough choices players face will be human ones and just maybe they will help you learn about yourself. Always Sometimes Monsters is on Steam and GoG right now for 10% off at $8.99 until May 28th 2014 or you can pick up a Steam Key and a DRM free version right from the developer for $9.99. I say support Vagabond Dog and pick it up from their website and grab both.

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