Now You Can Play Custom Spelunky HD (PC) Levels, Thanks Seedlunky HD

Over on the Official Mossmouth Forums TooManyNotes has taken to reverse engineering the way Spelunky HD creates it’s levels with a seed generator, basically a long string of numbers. If you keep using the same numbers you’ll override Spelunky HD’s randomness so you can play the same levels over and over again. He has dubbed his creation Seedlunky HD!

Why the hell would you do that, you might ask, well I’ll tell you. Say you want to actually see a completed Spelunky HD run, sure you can try forever to finally get that perfect run or like every other platformer you can keep plugging away at the same levels again and again to learn all of its secrets and finally have a chance to finish it.

You can also use it for your own daily challenges of sorts. Generate a cool set of levels and send them over to your friends to see how can beat it the fastest. Or maybe if we get really lucky Mossmouth will start hosting some sweet sets of community generated levels based on the seeds! You can download the Seedlunky HD generator right here or check the link below for the latest version.

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