Ray’s The Dead Kickstarter Needs Funds To Rise From The Grave

Ray’s The Dead is a fun game up on Kickstarter where you’ll control Ray, a zombie, who has the ability to raise and control other zombies with the giant light bulb thing that’s sticking out of his head. No I have no idea what it is but we sure had fun at PAX 2013 sending a swarm of zombies after an unsuspecting human to accomplish our goal.

That’s what makes Ray’s The Dead unique it’s not just you as a lone zombie but you and your horde of homies, munching guts to find out just what the hell is going on. Want to know more about Ray, what happened to him and what in the hell that light bulb thing is sticking out of his head, well you’ll just have to play the damn game! Don’t think of your swarm as just meat puppets either some of these gut munchers can have unique abilities and you would be wise to keep them alive for just the right job.

Ray’s The Dead has a distinctive art style with it’s 3D backgrounds and 2D character art along with some sweet 80’s inspired tunes, should the Kickstarter hit their stretch goals they’ll be even more sweet tunes added to pacify your inner zombie. If you want to see a whole lot of Ray’s The Dead check out the video below from Total Biscuit who made it through the whole demo at PAX 2013. The guys over at Ragtag Studio plan for Ray’s The Dead to be released at the end of 2013 for PC, Mac and Linux and should they get Green-lit on Steam as well.

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