“PC gaming is dead, even id says so” Uhm What?

We don’t usually like to call people out, I started this website to celebrate gaming without all the BS. However what is it with a big group of people saying PC gaming is dead? Come on guys, people are still playing and producing games for their Atari 2600’s, I say PC gaming is here to stay! This however is probably not what people mean when they say PC gaming is dead, they mean new AAA games are selling better and becoming exclusive to consoles. This is true however PC gaming won’t die because it’s a constantly evolving platform. For every AAA release like say Ace Combat: Assault Horizon that only releases on PS3 and Xbox 360 there’s games like Hard Reset, Diablo III, Minecraft or hell World of Warcraft and numerous MMO’s, Free-To-Play Games, Flash and Facebook Web Games.

There’s no doubt that the bulk of AAA game sales come from consoles. And that is what John Carmack is saying in his post, they are developing for their primary sales platform, the consoles. Also if you’ve followed Carmack for any length of time you know his love of OpenGL on the PC. The broken OpenGL drivers for both video cards seem to be a part of the issue with RAGE along with missing graphics settings on id/bethesda/zenimax’s part. So while yes consoles had a better launch than PC’s, just like any buggy release on any platform, things will get fixed, I don’t see how this would signal the death of PC gaming however.

So we would like to invite everyone who is shouting the sky is falling… sorry I mean PC Gaming Is Dead, to go run for the hills; we will however stand right where we are, hell we won’t even use an umbrella. And guess what? We’ll play games on all the platforms, PC, PS3, Xbox 360 and beyond and be happy having the choice to sit in front of the big screen playing Gran Turismo, have a great Halo deathmatch or two, play MAG with it’s 128 players, or sit inches away from the screen playing 64 player Battlefield 3 at 1080p on Ultra settings on PC. So if you think PC gaming is dying, well than, all of gaming must be dying along with it.

Source Link:  TG Daily

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