Yes, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 PC Will Have LAN Support

From the “it shouldn’t be news but it is” department or ISBNBIS Dept. =) comes word that yes Activision realizes it got a little to big for it’s britches with Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 and brings back LAN and dedicated server support for COD:MW3 on PC. What I don’t get is why the hell this isn’t standard for PC? This is how we all played games FOREVER! I see a game like an MMO not having LAN but all games should have at least Player-to-Player offline LAN, that should be a mandatory feature. Because we all know you big companies pull your authentication servers offline eventually, I’m looking at you EA. Sadly Battlefield 3 will NOT have LAN play, come on BF3, get to it, this is the kind of one up-manship we love, features that we actually give a damn about.

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