Battlefield 3 PC In-Game Server Browser a Separate App?

Can we not ever have a smooth launch for Battlefield on PC? Is DICE or EA just trying to find ways to screw with people? The latest BF3 news is that the PC version of Battlefield 3 has no in-game server browser yet console gamer’s just rejoiced that they finally get an in-game server browser of their own, WTF? Come to find out you need to use BattleLog to find your server, you can’t even use EA’s Origin. Who makes these things mandatory and who the hell signs off on them? I really hope this is bad info and they mean BattleLog is in-game and it’s just the way it is worded, it’s not a server browser anymore it’s BattleLog now.

Source Link:  Rock, Paper, Shotgun via BF3Blog

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