Tagged: WTF


World of Planes Trailer WTF?!?

So after watching this trailer I realize that unlike Machine Gun Jet pack World of Warplanes did not change their name. World of Planes is a totally different game, about the same thing, I...


Atari Attacks Retro Fans Website

Seriously WTF? Atari has now gone out and attacked fans who have had websites up for years, YEARS! Atari2600.org now is left with a single text message from it’s owner: “Following a ‘request’ from...


Wakfu: Pandawa Gameplay – WTF?

Wakfu: Pandawa is.. uh, a Diablo like game with a panda kung-fu protagonist? Seriously, WTF? I mean the animation looks nice, except the Panda looks like a kung-fu guy with a furry Panda head...