Chasing Gold (Season 1 Rocket League) Montage Video Has Everything You Need Right Now, So Watch It!

Rocket League took the gaming world by storm for a good while. I’ve noticed the news has seemed to died down around it but every once in awhile we get some blips of greatness that show the community is far from dead. One such blip is this nicely edited footage titled Chasing Gold (Season 1 Rocket League) by CKSUNNY on YouTube. Do you want to experience the highest highs and the lowest of lows all while being dazzled by some epic Rocket League gameplay, well why are you still reading the crap I’m writing and click the damn video already! Like DOTA2 I think Rocket League has a hell of a lot of potential to become the next spectator sport. I hope sometime soon Fanthom Events is broadcasting it live in theaters all across the globe just the The International. Maybe CKSUNNY can get a job making their epic trailers that draw people in droves to fill stadiums and but butts in seats one day.

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