Job Simulator Shows Working In VR Is Going To Be The Shit!

Just think, you roll out of bed, pour yourself some coffee, slip on your VR Headset, Oculus Rift, HTC Vive or whatever else is out there and settle in for another long hard day at the VR grind. With robots doing all the work humans get bored easily so Job Simulator is here to help. Sometimes it’s nice to go back to the busy times of having to wake up, get dressed and actually have to interact with real people, maybe talk about sports around the water color, you know the good old days. You won’t actually be doing any real work in Job Simulator, it’s all VR fluff, but JobBot wants to keep us humans happy since the robots are now doing all of our jobs… all of them. For those of us around before the robot revolution Job Simulator will feel like mom’s meatloaf, a warm standby that isn’t great for you but it’s damn tasty and it’s nice to have once in awhile. This small preview of Job Simulator up above is JobBot’s take on being how humans used to prepare spicy meals by adding some Sriracha to spice things up. You remember that rooster logo don’t you? Those were good times weren’t they? At some point everyone will forget what it was like to actually get food from a grocery store and cook it instead of these replication cubes we have at home now but at least the memory will live on thanks to Job Simulator.

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