The Wubmarine Is Coming, Prepare To Drop!

If you’re looking for me, you better check under the sea, cause that is where you’ll fine me, driving in my Wubmarine! Ok so Wubmarine doesn’t exactly fit the lyrics to Sealab 2021 but damn it you’re still under the sea rocking out. How about “We all live in a yellow Wubmarine, a yellow Wubmarine“…. no? Well the Wubmarine is coming, Semag Studios has the game up on Steam Greenlight and if you want to kick in some funds to actually help Wubmarine get made you can drop by their Kickstarter, right here. The sidescroller action mixed with a rhythm game is similar to Retro/Grade however some of the notes have been corrupted and only your mighty bass cannons can return them to their once harmonious glory!

Seems like an interesting twist on just a collect all the notes to pass genre of music games. Like any good sidescroller Wubmarine has power ups to help your Wubmarine complete a level and there’s also local splitscreen multiplayer. I wonder how that will play out with the beats jamming in the background and your friends picking up all those corrupted notes all the time harshing your groove. Segmag is also talking song packs for stretch goals but they make note these will be free dlc. Should the Kickstarter be funded the game is looking to come to both PC and PS Vita so you can take your Wubmarine with you wherever you go. Wubmarine has 19 days left and is at 20% of their $5000 goal, the early bird tier is still available which gets you a finished copy of the game for $8. If you want to get a feel for the game you can check out the alpha over on Wubmarine Alpha at


New Trailer Released for Rhythm Shooter Wubmarine.

Wubmarine is about an intergalactic record producer on his way to deliver the latest EDM tracks to Earth’s DJs. After passing through the asteroid belt your ship, the Wubmarine, is struck by an asteroid and you lose all of your precious cargo. It is up to you to track down the songs and collect them to complete your delivery mission. The search will take you from the icy oceans of Europa, to the fiery sulfuric volcanoes of Io and from ancient ruins on Mars, to a secret Moon base and much more. Though after a while you begin to discover that the asteroid wrecked your ship may not have been an accident at all…

The game plays like a mix of DDR and a side scrolling shooter. As you fly through a planet/moon, the notes of the lost tracks will come across the screen to the beat of the song. You maneuver your ship in front of a note to collect it. But not all of the notes were able to survive the crash. Some of the notes became corrupted and are now unusable. If you try to collect a corrupted note you will ruin the song. Do it too many times and its game over. You must use the ship’s “Bass Cannons” to shoot corrupted notes to convert and collect them.
As you play the story mode you will travel from planet to planet collecting the lost songs. You notice that the notes are causing the environments to react in strange ways. Lights flashing, explosions, strange creature movement, all seemingly in beat with the songs. Each celestial body will have ~3 songs/levels. The final level of each will be a boss battle. Some large creature has been angered by your music and your presence and will turn the environment against you.

We are currently in the Alpha stage of development. Our  Kickstarter  campaign and our  Greenlight  campaign are now live. With a successful campaign, we hope to launch the game starting on PC and Vita. We will also be adding stretch goals for other console platforms as well. You can find more information on the game at  or .

About Semag Studio
We are a small team of indie developers based in New Jersey near Philadelphia. There are currently 6 members on the team. The studio itself has only been around for about a year, but each member carries with them prior experience working on small PC titles as well as titles for the Nintendo DS. In that year though, Semag Studio put out two mobile releases,  Gigahurts, and  You’re Fired! But Wubmarine is the first title we are putting all of our efforts into. We also hope it to be our first console game. We are already licensed for all PlayStation platforms and for the Wii U (XB1 pending).
We have taken Wubmarine to local video game conventions like Too Many Games, South Jersey Geek Fest, and Philly Tech Week Arcade and have received an amazing response from everyone that plays the game.

Contact Info
Jordan Hample

Studio Website-
Game Website-
Kickstarter Link-
Greenlight Link-

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