Fortnite Gameplay Trailer 2015, Yes, It Is Still Coming

There seems to be a lot of mystery around Epic Games’ Fortnite, they show off bits and pieces and then seem to return back to the ether with it. We get little nuggets of info here and there suggesting there are play tests going on in specific cities around the US but I never really hear anything beyond that. Right before E3 2015 Epic has decided to dump another Fortnite trailer and some screenshots, after the jump below, on the press and see what happens, so here they are, take a look! The game still very much intrigues me, I like the whole aspect of building up a base from scrap found in the world and then fighting off hordes of enemies throughout the night and then forging, then more fighting, rinse and repeat. Still no word on when Epic is set to release Fortnite taking the old id software adage, “<em>done, when it’s done</em”.

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