Soul Historica Comes To Android, Do You Need Another RPG?

Soul Historica for Android is another in a long line or RPG’s pumped out by Kemco games, hey if you know what works, stick with it. For you RPG loves Kemco might be your new best friend if you have not heard of them before now.

Soul Historica runs with the popular pixel art style of many RGPs as of late, the screenshots on the Google Play store heavily play up the vector art but you can easily see the pixel screens behind them and they look good, I would say like a 16-bit RPG from the SNES or Genesis era good.

Kemco are touting Soul Historica as having multiple endings but hopefully the fanbase won’t go all Mass Effect 3 on them for it. Soul Historica is currently on sale for $3.99 for a limited time, no end date given, after that it goes back up to it’s regular price of $7.99.

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