Indoor Sports World (PS VIta) Post-Mortem Is A Must Read

Every video gamer needs to read the Indoor Sports World post-mortem. Developer Super Icon takes you on a fascinating journey inside the development of their PS Vita title. This is a real look behind the curtain with no punches pulled, where everything is laid out on what went wrong, what went right, and you get to soak it all in.

It takes guts to go out there and make an indie game, it takes even more guts to admit your failings and write up an article detailing them. That’s not to say Super Icon did everything wrong. Reading all the hard work they put in only to have to cut features is the stuff of nightmares for every developer. It’s also a point many gamer’s fail to realize. They wanted to bring you the best game ever, but sometimes the time, technology and resources just isn’t there.

We always hear about the million dollar success story that went perfect or that little 24 hour indie game jam winner that went on to sell despite all its flaws. This is a real look into the trenches of what it’s like for the developer’s out there day in and day out bringing us the games we love. The games that come at the expense of the developer’s sanity, their family, and their livelihoods all to make us happy manipulating light pulses on a screen. Be sure to grab a drink and then click right here to ready the whole thing.

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