New Insurgency (PC) Trailer Showing Off More Gameplay

Insurgency started as a source mod way back in 2002 and is now its own full blown game thanks to Steam Early Access, they did also try their hand at a kickstarter which was unsuccessful. Thanks to the holiday sale you can now pick up Insurgency for 50% off, $9.99, for a short time. The new trailer shows off about a minute and a half of some tense gameplay. You’ll notice no HUD in the video however screenshots on Steam confirm there is a minimal HUD displayed to give some information to the player.

Insurgency isn’t your standard run and gun full speed ahead shooter and tries to reward team play, tactics and smart troop placement. The game rewards teams who stick together, break off into groups and out maneuver their opponents over zerg rush and lone wolf style gameplay. They game is looking pretty good, it seems a little rough around the edges but I’ll take some lower graphics over gameplay any day. Be sure to check out the trailer for yourself and then pick up it during the holiday sale if you find it scratches that strategic FPS itch you have.

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