Beautiful People Tell You How To Get In Shape With Xbox Fitness (Xbox One)

People love using their video game consoles to get in shape, it’s been that way since the Nintendo Entertainment System’s Power Pad and that NES exercise bike all the way into the future with the just announced for Xbox One, Xbox Fitness. Now beautiful people can tell me how to get off my fat lazy ass, do some moves and promise me that at end of a few months I’ll look more like them and less like me, at least that’s my hope. It’s like we’re paying money to be physically abused and we’ll gladly do it! I’m sure like me you also have some Wii fitness crap, EA fitness crap and other assorted video game fitness like crap and Xbox Fitness take the new crown of video game fitness god and yes your old DDR pad counts as part of that stuff too.

So what’s this new Xbox Fitness got that all the other get us off our asses and get in shape while still being a video game things don’t? With the new an improved Xbox One with Kinect you’ll have heart rate monitoring, muscle mapping and even an energy meter, hey we’re all Mega Man now, sweet! You’ll also have videos from the aforementioned beautiful people like Jillian Michaels, Tracy Anderson, the P90X guy, all their backup fitness junkies and more. So now instead of feeling bad that you bought one $19.99 workout dvd you won’t ever use but once you’ll have hours and hours of videos that are just begging you to throw on your sweatpants and get moving.

Once you get over that hump and actually start working out regularly you’ll be recommended fitness goals based on how well you did previously. If you have a competitive streak you can even challenge your lazy friends and make them feel the burn with you. That way you can compare your tri’s and bi’s during your next Cards Against Humanity get together and force more of your friends to get in the action. If you can’t convince your friends to pump some iron there’s always someone on the Xbox Fitness community to go up against or just try and beat your last personal best if you would rather not be social.

Finally Microsoft is looking to take Xbox Fitness on the long haul, right now you’re Xbox Live Gold membership will give you access to the Xbox Fitness Pass. With the Xbox Fitness pass you’ll get free regular content updates but that’ll only last until December 2014 and other content maybe not be included. Think of it like a free season pass for a year, grab all you can and then piecemeal the stuff that’s not included if you really want it. Xbox Fitness for Xbox One is looking to make you the ripped Adonis or Aphrodite you’ve always dreamed you could be so stock up on creatine it’s coming Holiday 2013.

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