Take A Peek At The New Command and Conquer With These Beyond the Battle Trailers

There’s a brand new free to play Command and Conquer coming out and these two developer diaries shed some light on what we have in-store for us when it finally drops later this year. Running on the Frostbite engine the graphics already look amazing but we know looks aren’t everything so how about some more intel.

The team behind this new free to play Command and Conquer set their goal on recreating the classic CnC experience of base building, upgrading, base defending and attacking. The major inspiration comes from Command and Conquer Generals and your choice of faction and general will matter a lot more this time around. With each general comes abilities, upgrades and player powers so everyone should find a combo that fits their fighting style like a glove.

Ever more important is which units a general will have accesss to. Depending on which general is chosen units will be swapped or removed entirely, which I don’t think I’ve seen in an RTS video game before. I’m sure like me you guys are also weary of the free to play aspect that’s cropping up in this latest Command and Conquer. Unfortunately no news on that front as the second video is only about the GLA Nuke Truck. The Nuke Truck seems kind of weak for what the name suggests as they are shown only taking out a single building, that’s not a nuke mate!

Since Victory Games seems very receptive for player feedback hopefully the Nuke Truck is one of the things beefed up as the game continues to progress towards release. It’s one thing to hear about how a team listens to fans and is making balance updates and changes for the fans and it’s another thing to see it actually happen. No word on a final drop date for Command and Conquer but you can head on over right here and enter for your chance to play the beta.

Command & Conquer™ Beyond the Battle Part 1

Command & Conquer™ Beyond the Battle Part 2

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