SMITE (PC) Releases A New Trailer For Wise And Strong Athena

SMITE has a new God reveal and this time it is the wise and powerful Athena. And now for your nugget of trailer knowledge for the day, Athens was named after Athena, thanks Hi-Rez Studios! Athena looks to use her not just her brain but also her giant axe to kick some major ass in SMITE. In the video below you can see just how powerful Athena can be picking up multiple double kills which is no easy feat. In the right hands Athena should be a great addition to any SMITE team. Hi-Rez Studios also reveals that the latest patch also brings new voice packs, a new skin for Anhur and a UI overhaul to give you better access to the settings menus. SMITE is free to play so head on over and check it out today.

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