My Little Pony: Fighting Is Magic Back in Production… Only Now Very Different

If there’s one thing we love it’s a happy ending. While after the team behind My Little Pony: Fighting Is Magic tried their hardest Hasbro would not budge. But instead of letting all their hard work going to waste the Mane6 team is rolling up their sleeves and changing all that they need to change to get the game released. That means completely redesigned characters but they’ve brought in Lauren Faust to help with all the concept, art, character and settings. With all the effort they put into MLF:FIM we can’t wait to see what all that engery brings to an entirly new fighting game.


Hey everyone!

We have good news and bad news.
First, the bad news: We’ve tried a few different ways of talking to Hasbro about getting special permission to continue the game, but it seems that is officially a dead end, and it’s time for us to move on.
The good news is that the game is not dead!
Some even gooder news is that we have a new member in the Mane6 family…
We’d like you all to warmly welcome Lauren Faust to the team:
Hey folks! I’m so super psyched to be a part of this! I hope I can do my little part to help Mane6 finish up this game in a way that stays true to the spirit of the original—but in a way that can freely be shared! I hope you like what we come up with. -LF
She’ll be working with us (or is that the other way around?) to create all new characters for Fighting is Magic.
Yes, we know what you’re thinking, and yes, she is pretty kickass.
So what does this all mean? It means that with Lauren’s help, we are going to finish this game, but it will no longer be based on the MLP franchise. It will be all new characters in a new setting, while keeping the moves, mechanics, and style of the game we wanted to make from the start. This means a lot of work for us, and a bunch of new challenges, but we’re excited about the possibilities that come along with them.
We are still in the early concept stage and can’t wait to update everyone on what we come up with together. We will provide plenty of opportunities for you guys to get to know the characters and their world.
We know you guys will have a lot of questions, we’ll do our best to answer them, but at this early stage some might be a bit hard to tackle.
Thanks for sticking around for the ride. <3
– Mane6 team.

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