This Way Of The Mercenary Trailer Will Make You Become One With DUST 514

CCP’s ambitious MMOFPS Dust 514 get’s it’s latest trailer titled Way of the Mercenary that gives information you need to live and fight in its crazy world. Set in the EVE universe where money or ISK as it’s known is everything and weapons, equipment and even people like you have a price. You’ll fight for pride, corporations, to help other EVE players out, for land but most importantly you’ll fight for ISK. DUST 514 is the pure action setting while EVE is a full on MMO universe and they compliment each other very well, especially with all the real playing drama in EVE. The clone that you control in Dust 514 might just be a cog in the machine but that machine is going to be having some awesome battles in a setting like you’ve never experienced before.

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