Sir Hammerlock Wants You In The Borderlands 2 Army!

Sir Hammerlock wants to warn you, Pandora isn’t exactly like you left it in Borderlands 1. However we all know there is nothing sweeter than a great reward after much risk and Borderlands 2 offers you lots and lots of risk but oh so sweet rewards. The best thing is you’ll be able to enjoy blowing the ever loving crap out of baddies with three of your friends. Nothing makes the bonds of friendship stronger than ninjaing loot right out from your buddies nose as he does all the heavy lifting. So you might have been the best vault hunter around when Borderlands 1 came out but you would do well to watch the video below and bone up on your Pandora knowledge, it might just save you one less restart.

1 Response

  1. i just wee’d a bit with excitement

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