Take A Trip Back In Time And Unbox The Ultimate 2 Player Fighting Stick, The Sega Saturn Virtua Stick Pro

Take a few minutes and get away from the breakneck pace of the video game industry in 2012 and check out this unboxing video for the lovely Sega Saturn Virtua Stick Pro by Futurematt5, the ultimate two player fighting stick, a real blast from the past if there ever was one. I mean look at the box this thing comes in, it looks bigger than a Sega Saturn, Nintendo 64 and PlayStation box put together! Hell, you could get rid of your USS Flagg and stick your G.I. Joes on this thing instead. You’ll need all the room you can get too as you avoid elbow shots to your kidneys from your best friends as you pull off that EX special finishing move in Darkstalkers 3: Vampire Savior.

Source Link:  YouTube

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