Bethesda is suing Notch?

In what is sadly common in a lot of industries, video games included, it seems that someone let the lawyers loose on Notch of Minecraft fame. It all seems a bit silly, Notch and gang are making a game they want to call Scrolls, Bethesda found out when they tried to put through a trademark filling for the word “Scrolls”. Apparently this is where things took a turn for the worst.

First Bethesda asks what is going on, why have they done this. The guys at Mojang explain and even say they won’t put any words in front of Scrolls like “Elder” or “The”. Sounds reasonable to me you trademark a group of words not each one, or else we would have run out of trademarks a long time ago. Well that answer didn’t apease the lawyers and they want everyone to stop using Scrolls, OR ELSE! It’s always sad when the big guys pick on people.

Source Link:  The Word of Notch

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