Tagged: Video


Trackmania 2: Canyon – Gameplay‬‏ Video

Do you wanna see why people have a passion for the Trackmania series, maybe you’re curious what all the praise is about? Trackmania 2: Canyon is the newest entry in the series and man...


Resistance 3 Multiplayer Goes to Australia

The latest intel from the Resistance 3 team is that Resistance 3 is going to Australia. This Australian map joins the rest of the global maps set in Colombia, the UK and Africa. The...


‪Diablo 3 Classes Detailed

IGN has what looks like a broken up video interview with Jay Wilson about the different classes in Diablo 3. The classes are Demon Hunter, Barbarian, Witch Doctor, Wizard & Monk. My favorite class...


‪Sonic Generations Video Preview

Here’s some more footage from Sonic Generations, what is suppose to be a return to form of sorts for the Sonic series. When I first heard about this and saw some screenshots it didn’t...