The Spartans Come To Windows 8 With Halo Spartan Assault

Halo Spartan Assault is bringing the long absent Halo franchise finally back to the PC and is now including Windows Phone 8 as well. However classic Halo fans don’t get your hopes up for an FPS assault on your sense like you’ve never seen as this Spartan is all about isometric action. Looking more like your favorite twin stick shooters than anything Master Chief has ever laid eyes on previously. While we’re guessing Microsoft is hoping to push a few Windows 8 and Windows Phone 8 sales with this title I can’t help but why not bundle the classic Halo games and really push the Windows 8 experience hard? Enough what ifs, head on down past the jump to see the new Windows 8 only Halo Spartan Assault experience trailer along with some lovely screenshots.


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