Ethan Meteor Hunter, Solves Puzzles, Stops Time, Plays With Your Brain

Ethan Meteor Hunter is a puzzle platformer that’s coming to PC and PlayStation 3 Summer 2013. Normally puzzling is always flip switch, push rock, run back, clear area but Ethan has something special up his sleeve or should I say in his brain. Ethan has the power to stop time and use telekinesis to move objects like they were nothing.

I’m sure your brain is coming up with all kinds of wicked puzzles you could solve using those two abilities alone. But the hook is stopping time stops Ethan as well, so you need to plan your telekinetic moves before you get into trouble. I bet you thought this would be easy, HA! Be sure to check out the video below to see the Alpha version in action then head on over to the Ethan Meteor Hunter Steam Greenlight Page here and snag yourself a copy of the Alpha Demo for yourself and help the guys at Seaven Studios by giving them some feedback.




“It’s a step forward to get players involved!”

After the release of our enigmatic teaser, here is the big announcement: we are delighted to reveal our first game currently in development: Ethan : Meteor Hunter, release aimed for this summer 2013 on digital platforms onPC and Playstation 3.

Following unknown events, Ethan got touched by meteorites giving him the power of telekinesis. In a journey through 3 different worlds and 50 levels, Ethan will try to regroup all the pieces of the meteorite that hit him in the first place in a tremendous puzzle-platformer adventure.

You can have a look with this first work-in-progress ingame footage, showing up some gameplay and the main feature of the game: telekinesis. You candownload the trailer here or use the Youtube link ! Full Presskit available on our website!

Last but not least, here is some more: “la cerise sur le gâteau”. We announced we wanted to build our game with players; it is now real with the alpha demowe released today on our Steam Greenlight page. The community will be able to give us feedback at <gp_link type=”mailto” loc=””> and discuss with us on the Greenlight page about what to change for the final version! It’s a step forward to get the players involved as much as possible.

There is still plenty of new content incoming! We’re working hard and it won’t take us long to have more announcement to do!

Feel free to drop us a line, we’d love to hear from you!

The Seaven team.

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